(Mondays are Lynn Miles Peisker days at The Daily Blur. Lynn’s the Executive Sister and Chief Plate Spinner at the Imagination Advisory Group. Check out her growing archive of posts here.)
Today we will be celebrating one of our family’s favorite annual holiday activities, a little something we call “Drive-Thru Santas.” Its a Christmas Eve day tradition wherein we drive through several local fast food places and pay the tab for the people in line behind us. We never know if it’s going to be a single cup of coffee or lunch for a family of 5. The look on the cashier’s face as we explain our offer is often priceless. We drive away quickly and never really get to see the result, although sometimes we get a friendly wave or a honk.
If you are out and about today, set aside the hustle and bustle for just a moment and practice a random act of Christmas kindness. Tip ridiculously. Give up your parking spot. Return a stranger’s cart to the corral. Be a drive-thru Santa.
Today, make room for the joy of giving kindness.

Our local coffee shop had that happen at their drive-thru window and ended up having over 160 people “pay it forward” over the course of two days!