What is it you’re trying to make happen? What’s in your way?
Although we’re not currently taking on new full-time clients, my team and I do offer specialized, customized private consulting days for corporations, family businesses, and non-profit organizations to help with management, marketing, and culture challenges and opportunities.
We’ve done hundreds of days like this. They’re transformational for everyone involved. Come to Nashville for a day.

Private Consulting “Day” is misleading…
Sorry, it’s four-a waaaay more than just eight hours together. Your private consult begins well before you arrive in Music City. Once we receive payment, my team and I will begin preparing just as if you were going to become a new client. Know and trust we’ll be fully-briefed and prepared to hit the ground running when your day begins. Your fee includes everything but your own lodging and travel to Nashville. It’s going to be a transformational experience for everyone in attendance.
Our Diagnostic Prep will include:
- Requesting 7 Specific Materials From You so we have an understanding of what you believe caused you to reach out to us and what symptoms or opportunities may need addressed.
- Asking 18 Questions of the person or persons with utmost decision making authority in the room, so we can understand the vision, mission, and values (or, if you prefer: the brains, heart, and soul) of the company.
- Sending an anonymous survey to your entire team to help us establish a baseline of company culture and engagement.
- A 30-minute videoconference or phone call with Tim himself.
- Running online research and analysis on you and your chief competitors to better understand the competitive landscape and the strength of your (and your competitors’ online footprints).
- Learning about each member of your team who’ll be attending the Nashville meeting so we can create the ideal environment for your team’s entire stay here.

A Life-Changing Day in Music City
So many dreams begin here in Nashville. What dreams can our team help you make real? With our prep complete and our hearts and minds focused on our company, our day together begins with representatives of our team (including Tim) and up to eight members of your team (trust us — more than eight and the meeting loses its traction and potential for greatness. If you want more than eight, you should check out our group meetings and events). as all great Nashville adventures, do: with biscuits.
We’ll start with fellowship over breakfast at a place we think you’ll like based on what we’ve learned about you getting ready for the meeting. Please don’t mistake this as a waste of your time… this is an incredibly valuable way to help us all break down the typical boardroom awkwardness. Had we not done hours and hours of prep on our own time before you arrive, we couldn’t possibly make time. So, we make time… ahead of time.
After breakfast, we’ll retreat to a special location we’ve chosen based on what we learned about you during our research. With over 150 uniquely-different-but-equally-inspirational spaces at our disposal, we can’t wait to share this uniquely Nashville space with you and your team.
Fueled by biscuits, we’ll begin…
Once settled, we’ll work your team through a highly-refined set of questions, tests, and exercises based on more than a quarter-century of helping hundreds of companies and thousands of people solve problems they’re certain no one else could possibly comprehend.
We’ll work efficiently and effectively. This isn’t theory or some preening clicker-pointing peacock spouting theories. This is work – specific to only your problems. Given all the work we do to customize your day, we assure you, you wouldn’t recognize much about the same day for a different organization.
The time will fly. Your brain will fill. Your confidence will soar with the eagles.
Then we’ll feed you again… in true southern Style… at a place we know you’ll love, and recap and brainstorm what we uncovered during the morning session.
After lunch, we get back to work making absolutely sure you not only have knowledge but an understanding of how to accomplish what it is you’re trying to make happen. Coffee and sweet tea are strong and strongly recommended because we have a long way to go before we break. We still need to turn our ideas into a plan you feel confident you can explain and execute with clarity and purpose.
It’ll be a strange feeling when we’re done.
Previous guests of ours have reported it feeling like going to see an amazing movie or concert and leaving the theatre… different… changed… looking at the same world through a different lens.

We’ll turn you loose to enjoy the extraordinary, authentic southern hospitality (we can provide recommendations ahead of time), and we encourage you to live it up and enjoy all our city and region have to offer with your team.
Think of your trip to Nashville as a retreat.
While our day has ended, we always encourage companies to consider bringing spouses or families and make a long weekend or extended retreat out of your visit to the 615. We are happy to help suggest just the right things to do for your team based on what we’ve learned about you

But we’re still not done.
Yes, we’re going to give you everything we have during our day together, and while we do not provide a written report or custom presentation following our meeting, we insist on listening and helping just a little bit more 30 days after your visit with a 44-minute follow-up videoconference where we answer your questions and ask a few more to help ensure you’re gaining traction on the plan we built together in Nashville.
Yes, it’s a lot… but it’s the only way we can ensure we’ve served you properly.
If you’re ready for a life-changing day in Nashville, fill out the short form below to get started on reserving your date. If you have additional questions (besides the three most popular ones below), please feel free to call our office at (615) 538-5511.
Answers to the most popular questions:
- Sorry, no, you can’t talk with Tim until you’ve paid your full fee and your videoconference with him has been arranged.
- Oh, you just want to pick Tim’s brain or buy him lunch? Okay, sure… sign up for a consulting day and Tim will buy both breakfast and lunch!
- Yes, Tim and his team can travel to your city (or different city of your choosing) and conduct the same private consulting session.