Would you like to pick my brain about an idea or discuss how your business might be more successful?
Want to buy me lunch? Cool!
Lunch costs $2500 – but you get the whole day (and I’ll buy the lunch). Read on…
Your company may engage Tim Miles for a day of strategic planning, marketing campaign review and development at my office in Columbia, Missouri.
You will be taken through five steps that are easy to understand but hard to do. This is the process my staff and I use to grow little companies into big ones. But our magic can’t happen until we’ve extracted these answers from our client.
1. Focus.
What are we trying to make happen? How will we measure success? See it clearly. Say it plainly.
2. Evaluate.
What is the competitive environment? Do we understand the felt needs of our prospective customer? What is holding us back? Name the limiting factors.
3. Prioritize.
When two of our goals come into conflict, which one bows the knee? Prioritize our objectives.
4. Strategize.
What would be the shortest route to our primary goal? What levers might we use to dislodge impediments? How might we nullify other limiting factors? Are we willing to modify the business model? This is the moment when the future is won or lost.
5. Implement.
Are we willing to pull the trigger? Lets quit talking and DO something. Nothing changes until action is taken.
A day of Tim’s time costs $2500 (registered 501c3 non-profit organizations receive a 20% discount) and must be paid in advance via credit card to secure your date.
Your travel and lodging accommodations are up to you.
Alternately, Tim will come to your offices in your city for $5000 plus his expenses.
We’ll go from 8:30a or so until somewhere around 5:30p. We’ll work through lunch at my favorite restaurant (our treat).
Bring up to five people with you. After five it starts to diminish the returns because it starts getting very inefficient.
Take notes. Record the session. I do not prepare a report when we’re done. I may write stuff on a white board – take pictures of it. Anything you like (within reason, of course). Most people prefer to record the session. If you don’t have the technology, I can record it for you and share it with you afterward.
At the end of the day, you may have the option of moving forward with Tim and/or a team of his partners in a long-term relationship. Our fees are tied to our clients’ growth. The only way for us to make more money is to help you grow your business.
2014 is going to be awesome.
Consulting days can be scheduled with IAG’s Chief Plate Spinner, Lynn Peisker, by calling 573-234-6282 or by filling out this short form below.
If this isn’t of interest to you, but you still need some help for your business, I have several awesome business partners to which I could refer you based on your specific needs, location and business category.