No school today. Snow day. There is some rejoicing. The boy actually likes going to school.
Our son’s gotten into science and cause/effect in a big way thanks to a free online video series over at PBS Kids’ Curious George pages.
The videos are each only a few minutes and present subjects like making music, how to organize stuff, planets and orbits, and making paper mache. They demonstrate experiments throughout.
Last night he and I tackled paper mache. This morning, our project didn’t work out the way we had planned because we used too much water.
“That’s okay, daddy. It was an experiment. Today … we should use more flour. And we should do one with more water to see what happens then.”
Okay, buddy. Sounds good. I’m in.
No videogames. No TV. Just experiments, curiosity, and the occasional mess.
There’s a video on snow that we may have to check out since school is cancelled.
How about you?
Where do you turn when it’s time for snow day play?
We bake. Experiments you can eat are even more fun. It’s great seeing you keep what matters first out front, Tim. Way to be. c.