(Mondays are Lynn Miles Peisker days at The Daily Blur. Lynn’s the Executive Sister and Chief Plate Spinner at Miles & Company. Check out her growing archive of posts here.)
One of my favorite words. One of my favorite concepts.
Have you ever noticed how some people use thirty words when three would suffice? I notice it all the time and frankly, I’m getting more cranky about it. I have decided to take action in favor of brevity.
Let’s embrace a three word challenge today!
I recently read about an exercise of three word prayers: “Thank you God.” “Please help them.” When each word is chosen with care, the article said, it makes each word much more rich and meaningful. (Wonderstruck, Margaret Feinberg)
Here we go.
Three word challenge:
- Three words to best describe your spouse? Share them with him/her. Be kind.
- Three words that are the most important in your business? Incorporate them in to your marketing, how you answer the phone and how you interact with your customers.
- Three words that need to be said to your child today? Say them tonight before you go to bed, whether in person or by text message/phone call/skype.
- Three words that tickle your funny bone? Put them on a note on the mirror so you laugh every day.
- Three word mantra for how you want to treat people and view the world. See photo below.
- And perhaps the most important three words one human being can say to another. You know what it is. Call someone right now and let them know.
Words have power. Choose them wisely. Express them kindly. Edit them generously.
Thanks for reading.
You are ready.
Go conquer something.
Use three words.
Now… give us a fourth word about your company… BUT…
Now, building on #2, add a fourth word that’s important to your business — one that still captures who you are and what you deliver to customers. I want a word that you think would surprise everyone else in your company.
This one word requires some heavy thinking and probably won’t come to you right away. Important things usually take time.
Over the next week, be mindful about your company’s systems, policies, procedures, and actions. Think about what word will “wow” your co-workers with its surprise and also its truth.
This list of words will prove to be incredibly valuable to your organization.
Friend Lynn,
Three words can say so much: “You belong here.” “I am glad!” “Please come in.” “Let me help.” “Be my friend/wife/child/sweetheart/________________.”
But I have to say that without the menu of truly delicious words available to my soul to describe my world, I would be reduced to three other words: “I am sad.” “I am stifled.” “I feel dull.”
I suppose this is the difference between marketing (where every word means dollars spent), and self-expression…
I’m(1) just(2) sayin'(3) !
You write good.
I believe you have more eloquently said what my husband, who is a man of few words, likes to tell me “In life you get a word allotment so choose them wisely”. Now I would be in trouble if there were truly a word allotment I would be a mute by now, but this article is a great reminder to make our words meaningful. Thanks for the great read
Thanks, Carrie. Married to a man of few words myself!
You encourage well!
Your words flow like honey. Don’t change! Many the words in my head as I settle on three. The editing process is a discipline for me in all things, not just work. Makes my words mean more – but you – you have a gift!
I like this.
Abe Lincoln said:
malice toward none
charity for all
government of people
by the people
for the people
shall not perish
A wonderful topic.
Love this challenge 🙂
(And I’m going to copy your water bottle reminder…)
Beautiful reminder that even the most important can be shared with brevity.
Thank you, Steve!
Water bottle message is from a friend who is currently experiencing all kinds of adversity including a broken kneecap. Ouch!
Love her optimism.