I’m wrapping up two weeks of vacation with two quotes about work.
The first comes from Grantland writer Robert Mays' profile of Houston Texans defensive end, J.J. Watt:
“When it comes down to that moment,” Watt says, “when it’s me against you, you know in your head whether you worked hard enough. You can try to lie to yourself. You can try to tell yourself that you put in the time. But you know — and so do I.”
The second comes from Ben Hogan – whose James Dodson biography I read last week. Hogan, a player of slight physical size and only modest natural ability, overcame swing troubles and a devastating car accident to become one of history’s great golfers. He said:
“Work never bothered me like it bothers most people. You can outwork the best player in the world.”
I’m in awe of what our company accomplished in Dee’s and my absence. We rejoin the rest of the team and get back to work together tomorrow with a weekend retreat in Nashville. We’re so blessed… and we’re growing.
More about that Monday. Have a great weekend. If you need us, we’ll be waist-deep in biscuits, sweet tea, and country music.

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