So the man brayed–several times–to his daughter, to the waitress, and to no one in particular.
I’m in a restaurant at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, and I’ve just shared a smile with a security guard on her lunch break.
I can’t be certain, but I think we’re smiling because we’ve both spent enough time in airports to know causing a scene:
- Won’t make him feel any better
- Won’t make anyone feel any better
- Will ruin the rest of his day–or more–if he lets it… and he will…
You’re not going to accomplish anything by throwing a fit. Ever. Unless you’re in labor.
Ask my 4-year-old daughter: Throwing tantrums hurts you in every way. It doesn’t help.
Contrast that man with my friend and business partner with whom I spent the last couple days in Dallas. Peter Nevland:
- Looks everyone in the eye
- Always remains kind and patient
- Makes the other person’s feelings his priority
With whom would you rather share a meal? With whom would you rather do business?
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Who would you rather be?
I have good news! You get to choose how things affect you, and your attitude choice is not only free, but it pays in many ways to choose to be like Peter.
Are you in a hurry? Sure, sometimes. It seems like we are all in a hurry more often these days–especially Peter, whose 2014 calendar is already so full it’d make your head and dayplanner spin.
But you’d never know it. He’s mindful of others, and he’s infinitely happier for it.
Remember: Today, you get to choose how things affect you.
This post couldn’t have come at a better time. I was “in a hurry” this morning herding three kids out the door on the way to school. One spilled a drink and we had to stop and clean it up. I threw a little fit. Over a spilled drink. It was ridiculous. I cooled off a couple minutes later and apologized to my kids and I let them know that even moms have frustrating mornings. I’m choosing to not let it ruin the rest of my day, however, thanks to your timely reminder. Thanks!
Good on ya, Sherry! In Bible study this morning, we read Proverbs 14: “He who is slow to anger has great understanding.” Have an awesome day! 🙂