“I don’t even know where to start.”
Have you ever said that? Here’s an idea:
Start in the middle.
No one ever said the beginning has to come first.
There is a lot to like about the middle. In middle age, you have more confidence. The middle child is often a peacemaker and friend maker. The middle ear keeps us balanced and standing on two feet.
So go ahead and do what you know how to do first. Then go back and finish up with the beginning and the end in no particular order.
This method does not apply to some things in life, like building bridges or starting a new relationship. Some projects are by nature sequential, but not all. Some projects are about concept and design and head work. They are major and minor writings or plans or scripts or novels or sermons.
Many times before we sit down to do a thing, we’ve already thought about it. Problem with that is, we’ve thought about the middle or the end. We rarely spend time brainstorming the beginning.
So go ahead and write, draw or dream the middle. Then go back and give it a proper beginning and end.
Three things will happen:
1. You will get your idea out of your head.
2. You will have defeated the demon of inertia, that keeps you from getting anything done in the first place.
3. You will be well on your way to getting it actually, you know, done.
What’s a task you have been putting off because it just seems too big or daunting? Answer me this: is the whole thing daunting or just getting started?
Skip the start. Do the middle. Then circle back.
Boom. Done.
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