There’s never been a better time in human history to hire a good writer.
Businesses have never had better, more affordable access to good copywriting.

While you sleep, your ad copy can be written clearly and cleanly by a complete stranger halfway around the world for cents on the dollar.
Some corporations are beginning to trust their persuasive communications to artificial intelligence.
Paradoxically, while AI and affordable, ubiquitous access to good writers may suggest a radically diminished demand—and cost—for great ones, the opposite appears to be true.
If everything is good, then nothing is.
In this age of hyper-communication and consistently good writing, a business has never needed stand-out storytelling more.

10 Reasons We Need Great Writers—Not Merely Good Ones
We need writers who understand a company’s vision, voice, and values so well, they provide us with an unshakeable, unfakeable understanding of the brand personified: We see how this company-as-character thinks, acts, and sees the world.

We need writers who understand speaking to the heartfelt need of consumers—with the courage to say to companies: Stop answering questions people aren’t asking.
We need writers willing to make up words when the right ones haven’t been invented yet.
We need writers willing to suggest customer-centric changes not just to copy but to messaging. Sometimes clever, clear writing isn’t enough. Sometimes a business needs new tactics, policies, and procedures.
We need writers who know the subtle differences between the unwritten rules of writing for different media channels and the not-so-subtle differences of writing for different stages of sales funnels.
We need writers who can look a business owner, CMO, marketing committee, or board in the eyes and explain quickly, clearly, and confidently why they are making the choices they are making to make their ads not sound like ads.
We need writers who understand the right message and copy might repel as many people as it attracts, and those repelled might include the owner’s spouse.
We need writers who are physiologically incapable of not seeing and sharing the biggest of lessons in the smallest of stories.

We need writers who insist on knowing the company, the competition, and the customers.
There’s never been a better time in human history to hire a good writer.
There’s also never been a more important time to hire a great one.
Find a great one. Pay her what’s she worth. Thank me later.

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