(Lynn is off staring at the ocean today. Originally, I was going to put up a picture of an umbrella and call it good, but our dear friend and all-around person of awesomeness Nancy Schneider posted this on Facebook over the weekend, and it was so great, I asked if I could share it. She obliged us. She’s a baller that way. I’m leaving in her hashtags because I like them. Take it away, Nancy!)
[My husband] Tom and I play Scrabble with some frequency. I think it’s been good for our marriage. Here are my top 4 lessons learned from the experiences that have helped me grow as his wife and best friend. Just a bit reflective these days as we prepare to celebrate #30 at the end of the month! #scrabble
1. Many situations are a marathon or a sprint. Know & plan. Our games are ‘first to 100 wins.’
2. In life, there are some high highs, some low lows. Keep your eye on the prize and keep moving. You can be ahead by as many as 200 points, then 3 turns later – BOOM – you’re down by 20.
3. Get the right materials, not necessarily A LOT of materials. Three well played tiles will beat the game max seven tiles.
4. Winning is more fun. It just is. BUT, you’ll learn more about yourself from your losses. I’m clearly the more competitive of the couple. There are implications to this self-discovery. #understatement
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