Do well by doing good.
Benjamin franklin
Thanks for wanting to know more about Tim Miles & Co. We hope we help you look at the world a little differently. We’re really proud of what we’ve built and how we built it. When I started this thing 25 years ago, my goal was to help people. All these years later, it still is. Tim Miles & Co. has grown over the last quarter-century into a number of little adventures we call—collectively and with all the dad humor we can muster:
The Good Company Companies
In 2012, I published my first book Good Company: Making It, Keeping It, Being It which went onto become a bestseller and even spent a short time as the #1 business book on Amazon.
We measure success differently than most companies, and certainly differently than publicly-held corporations. We differ when defining “value” from Wall Street.
I would say we also differ in what’s “good” – taking our cue from Paul’s first letter to Timothy:
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:18-19 ESV
To be clear, this is not prosperity Gospel wrongheadedness (God leads to money)… treasure in our case, as in Paul’s, is spiritual.
What’s more, making, being, and keeping Good Company doesn’t depend on your size! I’ve always loathed comparison to others. As Theodore Roosevelt said:
Comparison is the thief of joy.
It’s why we refuse to use the phrase “small business.” There’s no such thing—to an owner—as a small business. And size isn’t the ultimate measure of success to me. A company of any size can be a good one.

Currently, none of those divisions have openings for new clients or work. After our son was diagnosed with autism back in 2005, we just decided to measure success differently than how big we could get. We’ve made some stumbles along the way, but we finally feel like we’re settling into something special.

We regularly conduct workshops, webinars, and professional development with corporations, family businesses, and non-profit organizations all over the world. Our team enjoys not just thinking outside the box, but throwing the box away entirely to help you achieve your objectives. Learn more here.
We’re also proud to continue to regularly deliver hearty, helpful, no-strings-attached free content via email. We give ourselves margin to teach and train and share the lows and highs we’ve had along with lessons learned and mistakes made. Discover more and sign up here.

What We’re Building
It’s coming soon… stay tuned…

I look at these different adventures—and the dozens more discarded—with a hearty blend of awe and gratitude. Wow… we built all those… cool… not bad for a young man from a small town with a very large imagination.
About Tim Miles
I guess LinkedIn would probably tell you I’m an American entrepreneur, bestselling author, public speaker and international marketing consultant. I’m owner of a weird little firm that helps good companies & good employees & good customers connect in this Age of Rapid Distraction.
I’d rather tell you I’m Rich and Janet’s boy, Lynn and John’s brother, Dee’s husband, Will and Sarah’s daddy, and I’m trying hard every day to be better for all of them as well as a kind and generous member of my various communities (church, school, city, neighborhood, etc.). I was born curious and excitable and those natural gifts and talents have never left me. They’ve also caused me hundreds of problems over the years.