My mentor, Roy H. Williams, once posed the question:
“Why is it everyone wants their children to be normal, but no one wants them to be average?”
Because of the journey our son has taken us on the past nine years, I’ve thought about that question more than most.
It floated to the forefront again yesterday when I saw this video – produced by Pro Infirmis – called “Because who is perfect?”
Pro Infirmis looks at something we take for granted – the appearance of fashion mannequins – a little differently, and the result is magical.
Watch and see. Thank me later.
Click me if you can’t see the embedded video.
Thank you for this post.
An amazing video – ‘specially for those of us working in retail fashion.
This is a really amazing idea. To include so many people who are virtually never included in our collective idea of “perfect” really makes an impression. I do have to wonder though, how a company who is willing to go so far to be inclusive does not feature a single person of color in this video. I think that what they are doing is admirable on so many levels and I don’t mean to discourage it in any way but this just seems like such a major oversight to me. I know that they cannot include everyone but out out of the 20 or so mannequins they show not a single person featured in the video had any diversity beyond their disability. Regardless, great concept, great video. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for making time to write! I think it’s pretty amazing, too.
If you look closely, can’t you just kinda feel the powers of technology and social media and messaging changing the world? Ain’t it awesome?