A particle will stay at rest or continue at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. ~ A simplification of Newton's First Law of MotionI've experienced a unique …
A Dozen Moments of Zen
Happy Sunday.I've been a big fan of Leo's blog for more than a year. As he cautions, it's not something you use as heavy reading - else it overwhelms you. He's codified his most popular posts and …
Are You This Flexible?
This month, the trend-setting state of Utah established flex hours for their employees. This morning, the Washington Post has a good article about its momentum as a movement in business.Such …
Dude. Nice bike.
So, I'm minding my own business - sitting in a corner of my client's restaurant's bar - writing his next email thing about catering.I look up. David has a new bike ... hanging from his bar.Now, the …
Worthy of Your Time
I like Merlin Mann a lot. He thinks and writes smartly about efficiently using your time, and he's funny.He's created a new presentation about placing more value on your own time and attention, and he …