When was the last time you took a course or attended a conference?
You may not need a new backpack, and your mom may not be sharing your picture on Facebook this week, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great time to further your education.
Or is it “farther?”
And should the question mark be inside or outside the quotations?
If you wonder about things like these, too, why not pick up the AP Style Guide or find an online course on grammar?
Been meaning to learn Photoshop? Pick some free tutorials online or subscribe to a service like Lynda.com.
My wife is considering a photography class this fall. If she registers, she prefers a physical classroom versus an online course. Chances are, your community has all kinds of options for you, too.
Already feel overloaded by work skills?
How about signing up for a fitness class? Or a nutrition class? What about a book club?
Maybe it’s time to start an office Bible Study or attend Financial Peace University through a local church.
Sure, you’re busy. We’re all busy, but when we grow—whether academically, physically, or spiritually—we feel more relaxed and alive.
So ask yourself: What have you been wanting to learn?
What’s keeping you from starting?
Consider this your first step.
What’s the next?
Was that the bell?
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