The biggest goals that scare you the most and drive you to your knees are the ones you know are worth doing .
They are the goals you think you can’t do it alone. They make you rely on your team.
They are the goals that seem too big to achieve. You will only achieve them one step at a time.
They are the goals that will change your current reality. So you step out in faith.
A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to hunker down and talk goals. Big goals. With people I love and respect. We weren’t wimps about it. We were brave and bold.
Are we foolish to believe we can accomplish goals that big? Time will tell, but I think not. I think if we stay focused, accountable to one another, and prayerful, we can OWN THEM.
What are your biggest goals? If they seem a little (or a lot) scary, then you know you are on the right track.
Hi Lynn
Most people don’t know much about setting and achieving goals. I have about 14 books in my library
on that subject, and “Success the Glenn Bland Method” is one of the best I have ever read,
But there are a LOT of good ones.
I believe that a being a success for a person, or company, is simply this:
Pursuing predetermined, achievable, worthwhile goals, set in small increments,
with a time limit. For goal setting to work – one must set the goal within reach –
and the person must believe it can be accomplished, within the time limit, or they get
frustrated and give up. The goal needs to be in sight, but just out of reach.
In my opinion for whatever it’s worth, if you are not pursuing predetermined, achievable,
worthwhile goals set in small increments,
with a time limit – then you are not reaching anywhere near the potential you have as a person or a company.
Thanks, Clay. I agree! We know that we cannot improve or achieve what we do not measure. Same for goals – they must be defined.