(Steve Rae’s living The Dream. He took risks, worked long hours, and went above-and-beyond what was required to semi-retire in his early 50s. He's the newest contributing editor to The Daily Blur.) "I …
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I Quit.
Does your company have goals you want to complete in this blink-of-an-eye time between now and year's end? How about personal goals? See, I've been the better part of sick for the worse part of five …
The 10-10-80 Rule
10 percent of the people are going to love what you do. They are your fans, your loyal customers, and your believers. Sometimes they are your mom, but not always. 10 percent of the people are going …
Social Inhumanity
Computers are awesome, but just because you can do something with technology, doesn't mean you should. In your technological quest to get more likes, clicks, and page views, please be human. I …
The Measure of Success
Last week a little post I wrote about marriage struck a chord with people. It was the most visited, most shared post we’ve had on The Daily Blur. Like ever. I have to admit; I got a little excited …