It’s been about four years in the making, and we believe it has the potential to help thousands of good companies thrive in this Age of Rapid Distraction.
For just $10.95, our Brand Your Own Business Guidebook will lead you through our proven process for recalibrating your company for this Age of Rapid Distraction.
For just $39.95, our comprehensive Brand Your Own Business Workbook includes more than 50 exercises and tons of additional content to walk you through each step. If you buy the workbook, you do not need the guidebook.
We wanted to make both versions affordable. We spend a great deal of time in the books explaining value. These books are examples of us walking our talk.
Along with contributors Ryan Patrick and Lynn Peisker, I’m proud to announce that Brand Your Own Business will be available on October 24, 2017.

There are approximately 7.77 million family businesses in the U.S. and Canada and nearly that many options of where and how to market those businesses in the 21st century. Good companies don’t know which direction to turn. Good people are drowning in noise, choice, and the droning voice of self-appointed thought leaders on every virtual street corner.
With a combined 50+ years helping hundreds of family businesses and thousands of people around the world, we wrote this book to show family businesses that, in order to modernize their marketing, they first need to look inward and not toward another oversimplified sack of magic beans.
If you or someone you know works for a business or nonprofit, this will be the best ten—or forty—bucks you’ll spend this year.
Prepare to be amazed by your return on investment.
Buy the Guidebook today.
Buy the Workbook today.
Jack & The Beanstalk is the wrong book to follow. There are no magic beans, BUT there is a formula more akin to The Wizard of Oz: Those characters had what they needed all along, and so too it’s true for you. Read the stories, learn the lessons, do the exercises, and dig deeper into the online learning. Along the way, we’ll teach you what’s important, what’s not, and how to prioritize your areas of focus.
When you’re finished, you’ll relax and know you have your priorities straight when it comes to marketing. You’ll know how to move forward fiercely in this Age of Rapid Distraction, and you’ll have the confidence to take deep breaths and know what to expect—and how to plan for and react to—changes in the weeks, months, and years to come.
You’ll have created a marketing plan from the inside-out in an intuitive, step-by-step way that will make sense and feel good to you. You’ll have a strong foundation to weather any storm, because you’ll always be able to Brand Your Own Business.