Our minds and hearts have been to the north this weekend. In Alberta. Calgary to be specific.
The flooding there is of biblical proportion.
Downtown Calgary is devastated. The Calgary Zoo is closed for at least two weeks. The Saddledome, home to the Calgary Flames, is underwater up to the 10th row of seating.
Lives have been lost in this horrific flooding. Thousands are displaced from their homes.
We have clients there. We consider them our friends. Just this past March, we spent a week there just a couple of blocks from the arena, now underwater. Something about knowing the folks there. Having just been there and experiencing Calgary warmth and generosity first hand. Having walked the very streets that are now under water makes it more than just a story on the news. We are pulling for the Calgarians as friends, neighbors. As fellow human beings.
May this be our response whenever disaster strikes around the world.
May the worst of circumstances bring out the best in all of us.
Peace be with you, Calgary friends. Be safe. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
If you would like to help, please visit Canadian Red Cross.

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