(Mondays are Lynn Miles Peisker days at The Daily Blur. Lynn’s the Executive Sister and Chief Plate Spinner at the Imagination Advisory Group. Check out her growing archive of posts …
Catch Someone Doing Something Right
Are you encouraging your employees or co-workers? Are you helping them grow and thrive or do you only give negative feedback when you catch them doing something wrong? We've all known both kinds of …
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Shareworthy Success!
Our clients and friends, Chapman Heating & Cooling, had their monthly success breakfast meeting yesterday - where they share company highlights and progress toward company goals. It's a great time …
There Is No Spoon
This week, I envy my 3-year-old daughter. We're in Orlando, Florida, and she doesn't see the price tags or the pushiness or the fakery. She doesn't know there are people inside those animal suits. She …
A New Policy Litmus Test
Here's a general rule for new company policies: If your employees have to sheepishly and apologetically inform customers of it, it's a stupid policy. Here are two examples from the holiday …
One Simple Question For Managers
(In addition to being a mentor and friend and golf partner for ten years, Steve Rae’s living the American Canadian Dream. He took risks, worked long hours, and went above-and-beyond what was required …