Windsor Road Christian Church Weekend of Service Stats 1 computer 1 dumpster 2 port-a-potties 2 park benches 3 picnic tables 20 new mattresses 500 t-shirts 1000 children's dental kits 2 project …
Quotes of Gratitude
Working on a project for a client this morning, and I came across several quotes about gratitude and thankfulness. I'll spare you the things for which I'm thankful (though I'd love to hear yours), but …
Friday Office Gadget Coolery
Saw this on @ittybiz's twitter feed last night - ridiculously cool office treats from over at jobmob. Seemed like a good thing to share on a Friday. The clock that can be made from anything's pretty …
Contrast: Apple & Microsoft advertising
Almost six minutes of wondrous nerdery greeted my twitter feed this morning. Guy Kawasaki posted this 5:50 contrasting Apple and Microsoft adveritising. What sticks out to you? (@GuyKawasaki) …
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“It still tragically involves a lot of Canadians.”
"On their enormous billboard thighs, it will say Colbert Nation." So said Stephen Colbert yesterday - announcing an agreement to sponsor the U.S. Speedskating team in Vancouver in 2010 after two …
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A Great Service Fallback
Do you or does someone you know work for a service business? Stock up on 9v batteries today or Monday at Costco, Sams, or one of them speciality battery stores. Stick a bunch in each truck and have …