On Mondays in December, we've planned a series of posts to help us focus on a more helpful holiday season. Celebrating being thankful this past week has us thinking about how we can do more this …
50 Things For Which We Are Thankful
Ryan Patrick - Head of Message Development I'm Thankful... For my wife's patience. How she keeps it together, I'll never know. For our home team from church. Seven couples who have grown …
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Buy One Gift Locally
Deb Brown over at needalittleadvice.com is a national treasure. She's a terrific advocate for buying locally, and I read and loved her story about what her local chamber has been doing and suggests …
Blue Tuesday
Three out of four of us have the flu here at The House of Miles. We are trying our best to unbox from the weekend's move. My computer crashed Monday. Waaah. Then, Monday evening, I came across …
Moving Day
Yesterday, we loaded up the house where Will's grown up so quickly and where our daughter was literally born. Today, a new chapter starts for our family. When you think about it, a new chapter …
That Moment
That moment when you realize your son is better than you. Checkmate. Dang. …