(Tim Miles is reliving the best and worst parts of the summer of 1977 – attempting to visit 14 states in 14 days with his family and only Pringles, Hawaiian Punch, and spray cheese for provisions. He’s banned iPads and is forcing his family to enjoy car bingo, the license plate game, AM radio, and the occasional 8-track tape. In his absence, Ryan Patrick has the conn.)
Guess what?
Unless your store is located next door to wherever I am, your location is not convenient.
If I have to take a detour from my regular route to find your shop, your location is not convenient.
And if you boast a chain of outlets across the country, but you haven’t yet opened one in my hometown, your location is not convenient.
Don’t promise “conveniently located”.
Just tell me where to find you.
photo credit: betoscopio via photopin cc
Yeah, “conveniently located” as a competitive advantage got usurped by the Internet. Unless you’re on my phone in my pocket open 24/7, you don’t get to own that phrase.
Yep. No location is more convenient than inside my own home. And I don’t even have to wear pants!