“And so you and I, we watch our years go by … we watch our sweet dreams fly … far away, but maybe someday.” – Harry Chapin
Today, I stumbled across a video I’d never seen … of us! It’s extra footage from a piece KOMU news did on Will and our family (pre-Sarah) a few years back for their series: Combating Autism From Within. From the looks of things, this was shot back in November of 2007 and aired then and again in April of 2008 – April being Autism Awareness Month.
Five things occurred to me watching this time capsule for the first time:
- Our boy is so beautiful. He’s come so far, and I’m equally awed and frightened by what’s ahead.
- Sheesh – were we really that weepy? It’s funny what outsiders-looking-in consider the best footage to show other outsiders.
- The Internet has changed everything, hasn’t it? It’s a magical at-your-fingertips world of wonder and historical context.
- Crap, I’ve gained a lot of weight since I quit smoking right around the time this video was shot.
- I saw those images of Touchpoint Autism Services and was reminded how much they changed our lives, and how I’ll never be able to repay Miss Teresa and the others for teaching us how to hear our son’s voice.
Places like Touchpoint are why I encourage college students and other young whippers and snappers to volunteer some time to help a small, local not-for-profit organization in their area.
That said, you need neither be young nor a whipper nor a snapper to do that.
Oh, and one other thing while I’m thinking about Touchpoint. Miss Teresa taught us on the first day something our politicians may want to consider as the government shutdown looms. Miss Teresa said:
“You cannot expect someone to change his or her behavior until you are first willing to change your own.”
If you can’t see the embedded video, please click here to watch it on YouTube.
Thank you for sharing your family, your journey and your hearts.
Best Wishes & Blessings,
As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are my children in the hands of the Lord.
– Jeremiah 18:6
Andy – Thank you. Wishing the same for you and yours. Great to see your name here. Hope to see your face soon. (Nice verse, too!)