To deliver Shareworthy Service, we suggest tuning the customer experience in order to evaluate and attenuate customer touchpoints along the customer service trail. It’s a big task, and here’s a great half-step exercise to do with your team.
Divide your team evenly into groups but be sure to intermix departments. Don’t let all the office staff sit together or all the tech staff or whomever. Mix ‘em all up.
Then, give them fifteen minutes to list every touch point your company has with customers.
What’s a customer touchpoint?
Any possible interaction your company has with potential customers. Business cards? Yep, that’s a touchpoint. Your receptionist answering the phone, your trade show booth, your pay-per-click ad campaign, and your service trucks are all examples of touchpoints.
The question on the table is: “Name every possible way we interact with customers and potential customers.”
After fifteen minutes, have one person record all the answers as you go around from group to group and have them share their answers aloud. This group discussion will lead to additional touchpoints. Record those as well.
Celebrate unique answers. Give out prizes. Drink beer.
Now, while you’ve got your group together, plot your customer map using these touch points.
Boom. Done.
Now get to work tuning those suckers with your brand diamond and the 14 facets of shareworthy service.
You can feel your awesomeness growing, can’t you?