Every night, for at least a few minutes (and sometimes for hours), I lie awake in bed thinking about the nine people who work for our company in some capacity.
So many in the media would consider my company a small business… I suspect anyone who uses that term has never owned one.
It doesn’t keep me awake at night because it’s small. It keeps me awake at night because it’s huge. It’s massive. At times, it feels like my whole world.
Know what I mean? How dare someone else refer to my business as “small.” I reject the premise of “small.”
But I believe with all my heart and soul that the secret to strong communities (both local and global) is strong, sustainable, gracefully-growing family businesses.
In 2015, we’ll publish a book. I finished the manuscript over Christmas break, and Lynn, Ryan, and I wrote it to help family businesses.
If you’ve ever laid awake at night worried about your family or the families of those people who work for or with you, this book will be for you.
If you’ve ever felt things were moving too fast with too many choices or you just weren’t sure you could—one more time—find a way to do a little bit more with a little bit less, this book will be for you.
If you ever wished things could be just a little bit simpler… just a little bit… this book will be for you.
If you own or work for one of the approximately 7.77 million family-owned businesses in the U.S. and Canada, this book will be for you… written by three of you.

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