Hi, this is Lynn. I hope you are having a good day so far!
I wrote a little ebook about email, and starting this week we will be offering for as little as 99 cents a copy.

Here’s why I wrote it:
I don’t know about you, but I came to email late in life. It wasn’t until 1994 that it was even a thing, and I had to learn some hard lessons along the way over the last 20 years. As the self-proclaimed “queen of typos,” I have sent some embarrassing emails – probably to some of you dear readers. Omitted words, unclear thoughts, and casual tone – I’m guilty of them all. The more emails I received as my career grew, the more I noticed these were common threads for other writers as well.
I found a way to craft emails that are both kind and professional without spending too much precious time crafting each one. It’s the stuff I wish someone had told me when I started. With this ebook, I want to help people who are maybe just starting out in their professional career, or people who have been doing email a long time and have kind of forgotten the importance of employing a professional approach. There are many people who need the training in email but don’t have the opportunity to get it and bosses who don’t have the budget or time to provide that kind of training for their employees.
The ebook is called Oh Dear: Restoring Kindness and Professionalism to the Age of Email. It’s called “Oh, Dear” for two reasons: Dear is a familiar term of endearment used to begin a correspondence, and”Oh Dear!” is also an expression that I used frequently for things such as bad email that disturb me , so it seemed appropriate. (For more on bad email, check out Ryan‘s post coming up this Wednesday!)
As I mentioned, you can buy it for 99 cents. When you buy it, you’ll receive the electronic files – compatible with your e-reader or computer, and have the book to keep forever.
Since all the profits go to charity, we’ve made it possible for you to make a larger donation if you choose. All profits are going specifically to the Community Impact Fund at United Way of Champaign County, because that’s where I first cut my professional teeth, and because those people do really good work in my community.
Thanks to my team at Miles & Company for their help and support with this project. And to Anni Poppen at Mowgli Studio for making the ebook so pretty.
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