When applying The First Order of Business, start at the bottom.

If you are a regular reader of The Daily Blur, you know this already.
That’s why it’s the widest platform and the foundation of all we do.
I recently came across a great example of this. Arc Solutions is a group out of Redding, CA, started by Ben and Christian. They bring practical healing to war ravaged regions of the world. My family learned about Arc Solutions when we got involved in a small way with a project in Mogadishu, helping fund a sustainable water system to bring clean water to a school there. We got involved through an organization called Healing Waters; they create ingenious water systems that provide clean water in some of the most impoverished regions in the world.
As I researched Arc Solutions, I was immediately impressed with their clearly articulated goals and values.
Their goals are called strategic objectives. This is the stuff that they are going to do. It’s the who, what and how they are going to serve. They state their goals pretty clearly. They are easily measured.
Vision People in the most deathly places on earth thriving in every area of life with hope for their future Mission To create solutions that meet humanity’s vital needs Purpose To develop individual growth, team growth and a culture of love and joyTheir core values told me exactly who these guys are and what they work to accomplish. I understand where they will not compromise and I can decide if I want to connect with them in a meaningful way. In this case, my answer was yes!
What can we learn from their example? Plenty.
Because I want you to be just as clear and just as committed to your company’s goals and values as they are at Arc Solutions.
1. Clearly define your goals. Make them measurable. Determine the who, what and where you will do what you do.
2. Clearly define your core values. Decide up front how you are going to do what you do. And just as importantly how you will NOT do what you do.
3. Involve your team in both of the above.
4. Put them in writing. State them clearly. Use as few words as possible. Choose your words wisely. Stay away from cliches.
5. Put them on your website where I can easily find them. (TEST: if you are saying to your self, “We already have these.” Super. Find yourself a 15 year old and see how fast they can find them on your website. It better take less than 15 seconds or your goals and values are buried too deep.)
6. Get to work. Accomplish your goals. Live your values. Change the world.

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