I was goofing around with a new screen capture tool today, and it gave me reason to share this with you. It’s a look at my blogroll – the blogs I follow using Google Reader on my laptop and Reeder on the iPad and iPhone. I also use Instapaper a bunch for reading and sharing articles later.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I’ll even send you the OPML file if you like. (I don’t really know what an OPML file is – I think it has something to do with olives – but I know I can press a couple buttons, and I can email a file to you that you can import all my stuff I follow into your google reader.)
Other than the Apple stuff, I don’t keep them organized into folders. It’s a meatloaf of writing and marketing and local and nerdery. I typically read ALL ITEMS from most recently published to, umm, least recently published (I guess).
I also feel no guilt whatsoever at purging and marking all as read from time to time when I feel like there’s too big a backlog of unread stuff.
That said, I used to subscribe to about 300 more than this, but it was just too distracting.
That said, there are a few others I follow, but not through RSS. It’s easy enough to keep up if you’ve got someone’s feed in your facebook or twitter feed. For example, I see when Tom Bihn Co. or Botanical Paperworks or author Alex George has something new through my facebook live updates.
That said, if you think I’m totally missing out on something, please let me know.
That said, I still prefer reading books to blogs, but there’s room for both.
That’s one heck of a list!
WThat said, did you know SnagIt is now available on a Mac? It’s not a great as the Windows version but allows you to add annotations.
What – I am not there? With blog posts like this: Sex, Success and Isopropyl Alcohol ??
Just kidding.
But seriously, I am just disappointed in one of them _ and won’t say which one, but count to twenty and go away.
Thanks for sharing anyway 😉
PS: I always thought it would be cool to have a competition about the best blog you have never heard of – isntead of the AdAge150 glitterati (kinda groupthink territory). You may have the readership to pull it off and your blog qualifies.
Well, as much as I would love to be on your blog roll (assuming you work with retailers as I do), more importantly, which blogs on your list bring you the most… enjoyment? entertainment? eye-opening a-ha moments? I follow a handful of blogs but am always looking for new reading material.