After giving presentations in Columbia pert near every business day for two years back in the early 2000s, I don’t give talks at home very often any more.
On Monday morning, I’m scared to death happy to be speaking in front of my colleagues and friends at my Gang of Nerds Meeting Social Media Club of Mid-Missouri Breakfast.
It starts at 7:30 at Boone Tavern. It’s ten bucks to eat breakfast, and I figure I’ll start talking around eight, and unless booed off the stage I’ll talk for about 45 minutes.
What am I talking about? One of my favorite subjects: Society’s predictable-but-mostly-secret swing back-and-forth between two worldviews or mindsets.
We just swung. Did you know that?
If you come, I will give you evidence of what has happened and hopefully an understanding of what’s happened, and when we come out the other side of the rabbit hole, you’ll leave feeling much more confident about how to communicate with customers, clients, prospects, friends and family in the weeks, months, even years to come.
Sheesh. Not like I’m promising the moon or anything, huh?
Here’s the whole talk in twenty seconds:
If you can’t see the embedded video, click here.
Click here to register to come. There are about 30 spots left.
And hey, even if I fail miserably, they’ll have bacon.
You want bacon, don’t you?
Do I have to be a member of the SocialMediaClub to attend?
Great question. I like where your head’s at. No need to be a member, but we’d love to have you. Don’t cost nothin’ … but if you oppose us on moral grounds, I completely understand. (That said, there will be bacon.)
Excited to finally meet you!
“Me too!” he said, while secretly petrified he’ll choke in front of an intelligent hometown crowd.