“I went down to my local armed forces recruitment center, and I introduced myself.”
Steve Holland is a nutjob, and I mean that as the highest possible praise.
He’s one of our clients in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and he was telling me about a brilliant idea he had for finding good hires for his growing heating & air conditioning company.
“Using Craigslist or newspaper’s like playing the lottery, and we know how bad the odds are there,” said Steve when we were talking last week.
“I like using radio for recruitment, but I wondered if there was a way to improve my odds even more. I was thinking about how we build relationships with our clients, and I wondered if we couldn’t do something similar with a place who could help us recruit good people.”
“So I went down to my local armed forces recruitment center,” Steve said, “and I introduced myself.”
Steve’s been developing a friendship and relationship with the people whose job it is to initially assess young men and women interested in serving their country. Steve quickly learned it was also the place those same young men and women went to visit after they came home from their tours.
“It’s awesome hiring military veterans. Who better to have working for you than someone disciplined, loyal, hard-working, who doesn’t suffer excuses?” said Steve.
Who better, indeed.
Steve suggests you, too, head over to your local armed services recruitment office and introduce yourself. Get to know the recruiters. Let them get to know you. Tell them you’re looking for a few good men and women to put to work once they’ve served their country. As your relationship develops, so too will the quality of leads you get.
He said I could share his secret with you. I thought it was waaaaay too good to share–even with you.
But he insisted… like I said, nutjob.
Clearly, we’re in good company.

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