You ever feel like you’re not sure how you’re going to dig out – either metaphorically or literally?
We’re digging out from Columbia, Missouri’s first blizzard in recorded history. Last night, Interstate 70 was closed down from St. Louis to Kansas City, and we woke up to 17.5″ of new snow on the ground.
We have no driveway. Heck, living out here in the wilderness north of town, we have no road.
I shoveled our large deck twice yesterday (to keep the weight off, yes, but mostly because my wife told me to – I listen to her because she’s smarter than me, and because I’m a little afraid of her.)
Like many here, I woke up tired, a little sore, and not sure how to get started on my rather large to-do list. I needed energy.
Thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishing CEO Michael Hyatt, I have a list.

A few weeks back, on his magnificent, must-read blog, he published 44 actions you can take now to boost your energy.
I taped it to my monitor in my office. I use it regularly.
If you’re facing a mountain today, I suggest you stop for a moment and make a little art project for yourself.
Go to Michael’s blog. Print out the list. If you have time, be sure to read through the comments!
Then, tape the list to your monitor, too.
Then, pick one. Boost your energy. And get back to digging.

How do you boost your energy? Any suggestions? I’d love to have you leave a comment and share!
Act silly.
Wash your face.
Straighten up the area around you.
Teach someone something new.
Blast your favorite song & dance like you’re insane.
Appreciate someone.
Give a hug.
Play a game with a child. Let them make up the rules. Heck, forget about the rules.
Thanks Tim, I enjoyed the list. For me #15 (decide to be energetic) is a biggie. Attitude is crazy important to my energy and happiness.
Are you looking for legal methods?
When I’m feeling particularly low, I DANCE. Even though I can’t really dance, I pretend. Put on a jamming tune and dance around the room for 4 minutes. It’s unbelievable how much energy it gives you.
Thank you for sharing, Michele, and I’ve uncovered some visual evidence that disproves your statement about NOT being able to dance … (approx. the 3:45 mark, I believe) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84v-bsCIf7o
Ken – disclaimered accordingly … I’ll take anything I can get … wait … is that how you spell ‘disclaimered?’
Wow. That’s a great list, Rachel. Thanks for sharing! Wait – are you suggestion I do all these at once?