Remember when you were young, and the greatest joy in life was imagining with your friends? We used to call it “playing.” We transported ourselves into the world of our imaginations doing something we loved, even though we’d never done it in physical reality.
But why does it seem we lose this capacity when it comes to business? We don’t spend enough time imagining ourselves doing the special, professional things that will make us successful.
Imagine your goal.
Remember, the human creature cannot do anything that they have not first imagined themselves doing. What do you see for yourself? A stratospheric future giving shareworthy customer service? Then think of a specific situation that has happened in the past few weeks. Is there a way you could have done something special for a customer that you have never done before?
Start living the way you envision because if you don’t, then the things you are doing today will continue to get you the results that you are already experiencing. Write on the back of a business card this incredible thing that you see yourself accomplishing and carry that card with you everywhere you go. When you pull it out of your pocket, it’ll be a constant reminder of the special thing that you want to do. It’s an affirmation of the commitment you are making. Call it a goal card, an affirmation card, or an accomplishment card. It doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you take your pen in hand right now as you read this and write that goal. Make it something lofty that you can’t achieve this week or even this month. This will start you on the road to your goal and you’ll find yourself making the decisions to move you along that path.
As a kid, if you were into baseball, you and your best friend spent hours as Maris and Mantle. Remember what their great teammate Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” It’s a productive way of turning dreams into reality.