Think about your two or three biggest competitors… list them out 1, 2, and 3. Do it on paper – stuff gets more real when you put it down on paper.
Now, answer this question for each competitor:
In what way or ways does ___(competitor)___ fall short/underwhelm in serving its customers?
Then, follow up with:
What do we do differently? How do we overcome these shortcomings?
After you’ve answered these questions, ask each of your employees this question (the slightly more daring of you will also ask your regular customers) – do not let them collaborate. You want as many different answers as possible.
Most powerful advertising comes from systems, policies and procedures that differentiate you from competitors to your customers. Sure, ad writers can dazzle people with fluff – even moving or hilarious or brilliant fluff. But that’s getting harder by the day because there are thousands of brilliant pieces of fluff out there these days. Plus, brilliant fluff fades more quickly than ever.
To win, your marketing person needs meaty bits and stories showing how those meaty bits benefitted real customers.
The answers to these questions will provide your company – and your marketing person – with a feast full of awesome.
photo credit: bichromephoto via photopin cc
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