I once read an interview with the sublime Mary Chapin Carpenter where she talked about the craft of songwriting. She paraphrased Bill Monroe when she said:
“The songs are already floating out there … lots of ’em … all above you in the air. All you gotta do is reach up and grab one.”
We’re selling our home and for the past three weeks, we’ve been making it purty. I was assigned the task of powerwashing our fence by she-who-Must-be-obeyed.
Powerwashing stinks, but I got an ad out of it.
Ads live everywhere … about the only rotten way to write one is to sit and stare at the blinking cursor.
Hacked-up drudgery comes generally from trying to make too many grand statements about someone or something.
We don’t live our lives in grand statements.
Rather, we live – even our peak moments – through a series of little ones.
There’s glory in the little moments – even the stinky ones (especially the stinky ones). Next time you have to write, reach up and grab one.
You are a delight!