I don’t know about you, but I find it helpful from time to time to get out of my element. Leave my comfort zone. Take a chance.
Several years ago, I took a mission trip with my daughter. She loved the area of the world we visited with all her heart and had been there on previous trips. Going to a part of the world where no one spoke English and where technology had not yet arrived was terrifying for me. Being there stretched me in ways that I did not know possible, and made future trips into unknown territory so much more welcome.
About three years ago I took a big girl job that felt way out of my comfort zone. Turns out I had a bit of a knack for it and although it took many long hours and some lost sleep, I feel I was able to make a difference in a large public school district with a +50% poverty rate. I would have never had that opportunity if I had stayed comfortable.
This past week I have been in the mountains of Western Canada with my sweet brother/business partner. We saw the majestic Rockies up close. I went up over 7,000 feet in a tiny little glass enclosed capsule to experience their wonder first hand. As a fully committed non-roller coaster rider, it was way outside my comfort zone. But what I would have missed if my fear had gotten in the way?
Is there somewhere or someone of which you have been afraid?
Is there something you need to do that just seems too big?
Is there a new way of doing things that seemed impossible yesterday?
I am not advocating risky behavior. I’m just advocating purposeful discomfort. The kind of pain that yields results. Real forward change in your life.
Book that trip. Take that job. Try something new.
Will it hurt? Maybe.
Will it be scary? Probably.
Will you be sorry? I doubt it.

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