Like you, I suspect, I remember where I was when the world proverbially stopped turning—on September 11th, 2001.
The question in my heart today, though, is:
Where were you on September 12th?
Do you remember what you did?
Do you remember how you felt?
Do you remember feeling closer, somehow, to the person behind the counter at the bank or the gas station?
Do you remember feeling more connected—and the sense of the importance of that connection—to your neighbors?
Do you remember taking action to connect with people in your communities: your school community, your church community, your country, your state, your city, your neighborhood communities.
Do you remember your willingness not just to help the victims’ families or even your neighbors’ families, but the families in need in your communities.
“What can we do?” we asked.
Do you remember how precious life felt? Do you remember how much you cherished the connections in your life? Do you remember how much more alike we all seemed than different?
September 12th: What a day that was.
I believe we need to remember 9/12 as much as we remember 9/11. I say this not to slight the victims but to honor them.
I hope it doesn’t take another September 11th for us to remember how we thought, acted, and saw the world —and how we regarded each other—on September 12th, 2001.
God bless y’all. Today, don’t just celebrate the heroes. Be one.

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