I was going to write about when to send emails, then I looked at the date.
I’m not sure if it’s good or bad that, for at least a moment, I forgot the significance of today. Maybe it’s both.
I do not want to forget, but I am happy that my 4-year-old daughter knows nothing of it. To my son, born in 2004, it will always be history.
To me, I’m instantly taken back to the present: where I was walking when I heard the news of the first plane, where I was standing when I watched the second, then who I was with when our President addressed our nation, then I couldn’t stop thinking about the victims and their families, then the heroes. I’ve always come back to the heroes. I’ve talked with my son about the heroes. I’ll do it again today.
I’ll write about when to send emails next week. I’ll think I’ll always know how to write about when to send emails.
After 13 years, I still don’t know how to write about September 11th.
-Mother Teresa
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