And what if we are all unworthy, and it's just a gift of grace? Then we merely become stewards of the success, not the recipients, and our responsibility is to continue to succeed and to pass that …
Join The 30-Day Smartphone Cleanse
Do you find yourself thumbing through your smartphone at stoplights? In line at the grocery store? While watching TV? While you're with your children or your spouse. At the risk of sounding like an …
10 Extra Minutes
Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang... That's my head hitting my desk. Is the human race so addicted to rushing to judgment that we would rather express our outrage than know the truth? This is …
“You’re not fine.”
I'd been sick for eight days, but I kept insisting it was no big deal. "I'm fine," I said again and again to my wife, Deidre. Yesterday, after keeping her up nights for a week with my cough, she'd …
The Kardashian Alternative
Opened up Google News on my phone Wednesday morning, and this story topped the entertainment news: How did we get here? How did someone’s marriage problems and FREAKIN’ SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEM get …
I Quit.
Does your company have goals you want to complete in this blink-of-an-eye time between now and year's end? How about personal goals? See, I've been the better part of sick for the worse part of five …