"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for …
When Calendars Attack
Yesterday, I wrote about focusing on the work that matters ... about taking control of your week before it (and your evil inbox) controls you. To illustrate this point, here are two images of my …
How To Work On Stuff That Matters
While on vacation in Scotland and Ireland, I spent some time re-reading the book that helped me get turned around a couple years ago in terms of focus and productivity - working on stuff that matters …
Our Dirty Little Secret
Yesterday, I said our company's dirty little secret had everything to do with how smart you were. You see, we don't solicit business. We only work with people who contact us, then we have to be very …
“Too Smart.”
The best golfers in the world still have swing coaches. The best opera singers? Voice coaches. And, when you start a small business, you're advised to get coaches, too: retain a lawyer and an …
This is Peter and Carl and Eduardo. Peter and Carl are new clients in Surrey, England. Eduardo's a bartender in central London that made it easier for me to write this post. Peter and Carl have …