(Ryan Patrick is a contributing editor to The Daily Blur. He’s not only handsome but a mighty fine writer. You can check out his growing archive of posts here.) You know That Guy.
The one who wants to be the center of attention at every party.
The braggart who one-ups everyone in the room.
The jerk who spends the whole night talking about himself.
You know That Guy, right?
You go out of your way to avoid That Guy.
You certainly don’t want to BE That Guy.
So why do you become That Guy in your advertising? “We have the best selection!” “Nobody can beat our price!” “Award-winning service!” “We’re the tri-state sales leader!” “We won’t be undersold!” “You’ve tried the rest, now buy from the best!” Who cares?
Your customers don’t want to listen to you talk about you. They want you to explain how you can help them…
- Save time
- Save money
- Look better
- Be healthier
- Lose weight
- Stay regular
- Get out of debt
- Start a family
- Stay comfortable
- Build muscle
- Attain wealth
- Get rid of their junk
- Improve their portfolio
- Find their soulmate
- Buy their dream home
- Forget their problems
- Keep their family safe
Can you help?
Don’t brag. Tell.
Then, do.
Do it so well that others want to brag about you.
That’s how you go from being That Guy to being THE Guy.
Ryan, this is one of the best pictures ever painted to illustrate the plummeting failure of the “Me Me Me” commercial. This is definitely a keeper for anyone who ever needs to explain to a client why they should shift the focus of a commercial.