Wednesday was our last first day of school. Sniff. We have been marking the first day of school with a photo for 20 years now. It was a beautiful day in August of 1992 when we walked our firstborn to Kindergarten at Robeson Elementary School. This week, we sent our last born off on the first day of his senior year. A lot has happened in between.
In twenty years of sending my beloved children off to school, I have learned a thing or two. Not sure it’s really that much of a stretch to apply them to small business practices. See what you think.
Routines make life easier. Routines make it possible to get to school on time with the stuff you need. It only gets more complicated as they get older. (I used to wonder why seemingly otherwise reasonable parents would let 16 year olds have a car. Until my first child turned 16.)
SMB Application: Do you have solid routines established so that your employees can arrive on time with the tools they need? As you grow, this will get more complicated so get those routines established early and stick with them.

The right school supplies are essential. I love nothing more than the back-to-school-filled-with-possibility section at Target in July. Even more important that what’s on these shelves, though, are essentials like wisdom and compassion. We treasure these intangible items more than a multi-pack of Sharpies, and at our house, that is saying something.
SMB Application: Make sure your employees have what they need to be successful in terms of supplies and equipment. Provide them with enough information and positive encouragement to do the job well.
Make the effort to meet new people every year. Whether you are a public school family or a private school family or a homeschool family, new relationships are formed every year. Being open to new friendships has brought some amazing experiences to our family.
SMB Application: Want to expand your relationships with new customers? Encourage your employees to do such a good job that customers begin telling others about your company. We call this Shareworthy Service. Reward your employees for this kind of service.
Home is the best place at the end of a good day. Or a bad day. We’ve worked hard over the years to make our home a place of peace and rest from a world that wearies. Even now, I’m happy to say that home is a place my already-launched children still want to visit.
SMB Application: Make your company exit-proof by creating loyalty among your employees. Make it so desirable to work there, that the good ones feel at home and stay for years and years.
I hope you have 20 years of success and maybe following these principals can help you in the process. Now I have to go, because I only have eight months left to get ready for the last last day of school. Sniff.
Great post Lynn! Love the comparisons, good advice to follow!
Thanks, Sue. It all goes so fast, doesn’t it!
Great Post Lynn! It does go fast and we do sure learn a great deal along the way. Thanks for sharing this with us.