I hope their check doesn’t bounce …
At my day job this week, I was contracted to write a series of recruitment ads for our parent company. They’re looking to add two people to their advertising sales team.
They gave me their necessary information. One went so far as to say "it didn’t have to be fancy since it was just a simple action ad."
Not simple. Shouldn’t be, anyway.
Ads run by radio stations for radio stations should be the best ads on radio stations.
(On a side note, I recently came across two ads for another radio company in the Sunday classifieds … what does that say about their own faith in their own medium?)
So, here are the three we designed to rotate equally beginning this weekend (holidays – best times to run effective recruitment advertising) on each of the Zimmer stations.
Download zrg_recruit_new_beginnings_mix.mp3
Download zrg_recruit_first_yes_mix.mp3
Download zrg_recruit_first_lesson_mix.mp3
The approval feedback cameback to the tune of "Oh My God!!" and "Those Are Great!!!" and "Simply Awesome!!!!"
Thank you. We do what we do.
But, what they didn’t get on a conscious level was that each manager to whom I submitted for approval clicked with different things in each ad.
Not simple. Shouldn’t be, anyway.
If you took the time to download and listen, you noticed that I took the time to interview six different successful advertising folks already with the company. Did I pick them at random? Nope. I chose them on the basis of varying communication preferences and psychological types.
Then, I included phrases from each type in each ad so at least something triggers people of like-type more powerfully than the rest. It makes each ad feel like it’s speaking right to you.
If you’re familiar with Myers-Briggs, listen back to the ads and notice comments intended to click with SJ, SP, NT, and NF, or if you know Bolton’s work, click with Analytical, Expressive, Driver, and Amiable.
Yes, they’re authentic. Yes, they say the same thing different ways.
No, they’re not simple. Shouldn’t be, should they?
If you live in the central Missouri area, and you proudly wear curiosity and courage on your sleeve, then I urge you to step out on the skinny end of the branch and call Ashley. Previous media or even sales experience is not a prerequisite. In fact, depending on that previous experience it may hurt your chances. Zimmer Radio Group’s confident enough in their training that they’ll take over where your parents left off. Thank you.
Tim, I’m just blown away at the power of those recruitment ads.
Who needs a job, and actually DOESN’T contact this radio group?
"Oh no, that’s not for me b/c I don’t like to learn…plus I’m just not intuitve enough anyway…" (yeah right)
I think they rock…congrats!