(I’ve known our newest contributor, Betsy Dougherty, for many years. She helps people look and feel beautiful. I’ve always admired how she looks at the world a little differently and marches to the beat of a different drummer. She rocks, and we’re privileged to have her give us a glimpse from behind her Magician’s Chair here at The Daily Blur.)
Who doesn’t love magic tricks?
No matter what age we are, we love the idea of things magically appearing, multiplying, and disappearing.
I love people appearing in my chair and money multiplying in my pocket. Though I rather dislike money and clients disappearing…
Do you ever feel like clients, customers, or people are disappearing? As I’ve grown as an individual and business person, I’ve learned a new trick that can help you, too.
Do you track everyone that walks through your door?
Yes, I said track. “Track” can be the most vague and intimidating word. Let’s break it down into baby steps. You will crawl, then walk, then (I hope) run with this.
What does tracking involve?
It involves a few minutes a day, some mindfulness, and a dash of diligence. Doesn’t sound so bad, right?
Customers/clients come first.
- How many do you have? How many today, this week, last week, last month? B) How many new people? How many referrals? (Have you thanked the people that sent you referrals?)
- How many items/services did they purchase? Look to see if something else could have been more useful to them.
- Write down daily, weekly, and monthly monies. Not just a budget. But every. Single. Penny. Any thing that may touch my wallet. If you use excel, have a CPA, or just wait for the print out at the end of the week, try printouts every day. Write that total down on a sticky in your office. Just be aware of it at the end of the day.
- Create a budget based on your past week. How much more money would you like? Where are there holes in your day?
Now, the really important part:
What do you do with all this information?
You should have two numbers now: one from the previous day and one that is a goal. Every morning, write down your goal for the day. Go treat your clients like they are queens and kings. At the end of the day compare your goal with your total for the day.
If you’ve never tracked, or have only done bits and pieces of this, start using this today. See it as a fresh start. In only a week you’ll have a few numbers to work with. You’ll be able to decide how much to grow. In only a month you’ll see how much you have. In one short year, you should be able to reward your mindfulness, shareworthy service, and diligence.
But just like any good magic trick, it takes practice and a little bit of faith. How much you practice determines what you turn that penny into. Will it be nickels? Will it be dimes… or will it be something much, much greater?
That’s up to you.
I woke up this morning a read your post. Yesterday I had a tracking conversation with my Amish Horseshoer. Here goes. Joe has been shoeing 12 years for me. I drive 200 miles round trip twice a month plus an average of six other trips during the year. Average is 4 horses per trip. 4 shoes per horse, 8 nails per shoe.
Here is the equation
30 x 200 = 6000 miles per year x 12 years = 72,000 miles
4 horses per trip x 30 trips = 120 horses per year x 12 years = 1440 horses
1440 horses x 4 shoes = 5760 horse shoe x 8 nails per shoe = 46,080 horse shoes nails.
Over the last 12 years I have spent 360 days with my friend Joe. I’m a very happy customer and he is very appreciative of my business.
Yes, I a customer but I also set on the other side of the table too. I have customers. Are they happy and am I appreciative of their business?