Hi Tim,
How are you? It was great to meet you last week.
Since you are an avid book reader…I would love some recommendations for books on any of the following topics:
1. Social Media
2. Digital Marketing
3. E-mail campaigns
4. Google Analytics
5. Copywriting and ad writing
This is for the marketing and ecommerce departments to share and read.
Thank you again
Hiya, Laura! It was great to meet you, too. I look forward to working with you and getting to know you better.
1. Social Media
- “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook! by Gary Vaynerchuck
- “Platform” by Michael Hyatt, subscribe to Platform University when it re-opens for new subscribers
2. Digital Marketing
- “Permission Marketing” by Seth Godin
- “Trust Agents” by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
- “Waiting For Your Cat To Bark?” by Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg
- “Optimize” by Lee Odden
- “The Business Of Belief” by Tom Asacker
- “To Sell Is Human” by Dan Pink
- “Predictably Irrational” by Dan Ariely
Subscribe to:
- Marketing Profs
- Hubspot
- Fast Company
- Farnam Street
- Buffer
- HBR.org
- Owner Magazine
- Seth Godin’s Blog
- Derek Sivers
- Michael Hyatt
- Bryan Eisenberg
- Ann Handley
- Jeff Bullas
3. E-Mail Campaigns
No books come to mind. Though I’m sure there are a million. Read the blogs at myemma.com, mailchimp.com, Aweber.com.
4. Google Analytics
Read anything by Avinash Kaushik, including his book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day and his blog, Occam’s Razor.
5. Copywriting / Ad Writing
- Read the full Copy Bible we created for Swimco
- Read Copyblogger’s blog, subscribe to my.copyblogger.com.
- Read great literature. As you read, so shall you write – start with John Steinbeck, David Foster Wallace, Willie Nelson, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
- Read Roy H. Williams’ Wizard of Ads and The Secret Formulas of The Wizard of Ads
- Read Good Company by Tim Miles
- Read On Writing by Stephen King
- Read Start With Why by Simon Sinek
- Read The Soccer Mom Myth by Michele Miller and Holly Buchanan
- Read Ogilvy on Advertising
- Read Positioning by Al Ries and Jack Trout
- Read The Book of Gossage
- Read Influence by Robert Cialdini
- Read Made To Stick by Dan and Chip Heath
Subscribe to:
- Steven Pressfield’s Writing Wednesday feature on his blog
- our own blog, The Daily Blur
- Tom Wanek’s YouTube Channel
Hope those help you start a nice collection, Laura.
I noticed you didn’t include categories pertaining to customer service or productivity. Are you covered in those areas? Those are the other big focuses of my reading (besides reading for pleasure). Let me know if you’d like some suggestions in those two areas as well.
QUESTION: What am I missing? What’s on your fundamental, starting-a-library list? Please respond in the comments below.
#5 A Poem-A-Day Book – learn to write like a poet