We might need to have a difficult conversation.
I write a lot about motivation and productivity. I get a lot of questions about those subjects, so I keep thinking about them.
And I think there’s a hard realization some people need to face.
Maybe – deep down in your secret world – you just don’t want to do it.
Maybe you don’t want to spend more time with your family.
Maybe you don’t want to lose the weight or write the book or change the world.
Or change your world.
Oh, sure, maybe you like the idea of being it – whatever it is. It might be being happily married or being in shape or being a best-selling author.
But, dude, being and doing are two waaaaaaay different things.
Get out of denial. Admit it. Then work on that instead of pretending to go through the motions half-heartedly flailing at this other thing.
Maybe this other thing is too hard. Maybe this other thing is too much work or will take too much time. Maybe, today, you’re just not willing to really and truly make the effort.
And it’s not for me or anyone else to decide whether or not that’s okay.
But you need to admit it to yourself … so you can stop living the lie.
You’ll be happier, or you’ll know it’s time to make a change.
It’s kinda like the old saying:
When you’re torn between two things, flip a coin. You don’t flip it to see where it lands. You flip it because – while it’s still in the air – your heart will tell you which way you really want the coin to fall.
Got a quarter?
(If this totally doesn’t apply to you, awesome, but I bet – like me – somebody popped into your head. Should we do something about it? What do you think? I don’t know, either. I’m just asking.)
Love the the timeliness of your blog on Lent. If I keep on doing what I’m doing, I’ll keep on getting what I’m getting. Hmmm. At what point in my development did that become acceptable?
I’ve resigned myself to the fact that some days I just want to be. I don’t want to strive… I don’t want to reach… I just want to be. And I’m starting to be OK with that. I can’t change the world every day… even God took a day off! So that’s the day I hit snooze and pull the covers over my head. I’ll get back on to changing the world tomorrow!
This is so on point. Well said . . . and thanks for holding up a mirror. Now it’s up to me to take a good long look. Peace, friend.
I resonated with this big time today. I have my own things that I want to do. Two things come to mind crystal clear. I was the one that I thought of as I read this post. And, I’ll get there. I’m just scared. And, that is the only thing I disagree with on your post today.
Sometimes people are just afraid. And that fear can be a bigger voice in their life than their calling from God. It’s not always as simple sometimes as “not wanting to do it.” Although, sometimes it is true and just plain lazy wins. Maybe even more often than not.
In my opinion, there’s another layer of the onion that needs peeled back to discover why that fear is bigger. HUGE discoveries await there and the “why” helps make the “what” happen once you figure it out and address the fear.
You caught the Lent connection! I was trying to be subtle about it. 😉
Author Tom Robbins calls it “Calling In Well.” : )
And also with you, friend.
“Walking on water wasn’t built in a day.” – Jack Kerouac
(Hang in there. You’re very good at being you.)