According to Keith, who just sent in a Contact Us form to a client in Portland.
Hi. I’m Tim. I’m the moron who writes the ads for Roof Life of Oregon.
Now, Keith, here’s what’s interesting: The same day you were kind enough to write, Roof Life had more than a dozen other contact us forms wanting to hire them.
I gotta tell ya, buddy, no one loathes my writing more than me, but what am I supposed to do? These other folks with a far less sophisticated word palette keep wanting to do business with my client because of the ads.
I talked with my partner Steve Rae yesterday about the Law of Attraction. Powerful ads both attract and repel – it all depends on which way you point the magnet. I really liked that metaphor.
What’s a metaphor? Ask Keith. Actually, wait, it appears he was being pretty literal.
Another partner, Charlie Moger, suggested I frame it. I’m thinking it’s the back cover of my upcoming book …
Here’s the Plague of Portland, if you’d like to give it a listen. You’ve been warned.
Roof Life of Oregon – March 2010
Happy Friday.
For me, a little Simon goes a long way on American Idol but his comments are often “spot on”. He told Siobhan Magnus this week that he liked her performance, but there would be many who hated it. He told her that was a good place to be because at this point in the competition because the last thing you want to be is vanilla.
I guess if I was Roof Life, I’d be happy Keith would never do business with us. Keith sounds like a guy who could never be made happy. Not the kind of guy I would want as a client (or friend, or neighbor, or acquaintance). As for the ad, the real issue here is that the frequency of the ad must be good, and the impact high to get such a reaction. In other words… Keep up the good work:-)
Dear Tim. I read tons of blogs. I learn lots of things. One thing I’ve learned is that just like in real life, trolls and aholes are a fact of life, online and off line. But the most interesting thing of all is how people react. In this case, you’re reaction is pitch perfect.
With your permission, in our “Selling Their Way” Wiz Workshop, I have a segment on Social Media where I share how to prepare yourself for and how to respond to Trolls and Aholes, I’d like to use your blog post as an example of how ridiculously unexpected a negative event can occur and how to respond gracefully. Would that be OK?
PS. Damn fine Ad.
You may use whatever you like whenever you like. I’m posting a follow-up tomorrow that’s probably a good reminder to us all to beware the short-sighted satisfaction of feeding trolls.
Stay tuned. Hope all’s well!
Thanks, Phil. I imagine a toy store like yours would only cause Keith pain!
What a great example of repelling a segment of your market. If you’re trying to please everyone you’re likely not doing much business. I hope this guy doesn’t ever do business with me either!
So im not the only one who hates the commercials, BUT i do not wish anyone cancer by no means. But i do hate the commercials