A little over three weeks into the new year … how ya doin’?
Fresh off the holiday, are you already primed for another vacation?
Are you unhappy? Unfocused? Struggling for ideas and grappling with productivity and motivation?
We might need to have a difficult conversation, huh?
Well, rather, I’ll let Paul Angone talk to you about what may be your biggest problem so far this year.
Writing for RELEVANT Magazine, Angone says:
Complaining is like a rash—too easy to catch, and tough to get rid of. I speak from experience. I’m a recovering “complain-a-holic” who’s still trying to find the cure.
Read his article, Creativity’s Worst Enemy, today. Print out copies and post them around your office. It could be the most important action you take this year.
Imagine your company without the complaining. Awesome, huh? Now, go have a productive, positive, complaint-free day.
Loved this post. Dave Ramsey’s organization has a POLICY against gossip. There is an Entreleadership podcast about it. It is awesome. Gossip & complaining only bring negative.