I’d been sick for eight days, but I kept insisting it was no big deal.
“I’m fine,” I said again and again to my wife, Deidre.
Yesterday, after keeping her up nights for a week with my cough, she’d had enough.
“You’re not fine,” she said, “and you’re going to the doctor.”
Now this part will probably shock you, but she was right, and I was wrong.
Turns out I wasn’t fine. I have acute bronchitis that could have easily turned into pneumonia. I also have a scorching case of dumb.
So yesterday, after getting some tests, a breathing treatment and three (freakin expensive) medications, I’m going to start getting better.
How are you?
How’s your company?
I ask because, in spite of what the calendar might say, fourth quarter unofficially starts after this long holiday weekend. It’s a long, hard stretch to the holidays, and we need you at your best.
Are you ignoring symptoms?
Are you being stubborn?
Could you use professional help?
Are you fine? Are you sure?
Deidre is a wise woman and you are blessed. Praying you begin to heal soon.
You’re so right, Anna. I hit the lottery… no sense ever playing Powerball ’cause you don’t win that thing twice. Thanks for your prayers.
Dude, January and now August? Take it easy, big guy. We need you healthy and rested.