Here's the best idea of the week - courtesy of the facebook. Going out for dinner with friends this weekend? Stack your cell phones face down on the table. First one to check their phone pays …
12 Steps To A Perfect Client Meeting
Having been on the road for the better part of the last six weeks, I believe I'm as qualified as anyone to write a post with that title. Get clarity on agenda in advance. Share agenda day before …
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Purposeful Discomfort
I don't know about you, but I find it helpful from time to time to get out of my element. Leave my comfort zone. Take a chance. Several years ago, I took a mission trip with my daughter. She loved …
30 Seconds of Awesome
I can't think of anything better to share with you in about thirty seconds that's marketing-related. I've watched it six times. I've watched the reveal another twenty. Well played, Google. Well …
What One American Learned At A Canadian Hockey Game
"I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out." It's an old saying. Judging by what I observed last night at The Saddledome in Calgary, it's also inaccurate. I'm not talking about on the ice - …
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"Awesome" is not only an overused word, but it might be the leader of the overused word gang. I must use it eight times a day. But awe ... real honest-to-goodness awe, I've experienced maybe eight …