As I mentioned yesterday, I invite business owners to ask questions in my seminars by having them write down their questions and bring them up to the podium during one of our breaks. At the end, I'll …
Are You Asking The Right Questions?
I'm in Sioux Falls to give a seminar to a large crowd of business owners. As always, I invited the business owners to email me some questions in advance so I had a few days to think about my answers. …
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The Middle Kinda Stinks
You can be an operationally-excellent, dependable producer of lower-priced, similar products or services. You sell commodities, but you can sell them relationally and build trust and credibility into …
I had three people add me on Google Plus today. Wait - is that what you do with Google Plus? You add people? I had two invitations in LinkedIn. I had three friend requests on Facebook. How about …
Patrick’s Sales Secret
I'm in Portland with our team at Roof Life of Oregon: long-time clients and some of my favorite people in one of my favorite cities on earth. Patrick Morin owns Roof Life and also has done a …
Tom Fishburne on Groupon
Credit where credit is due: The lovely-and-talented Ryan Patrick introduced me to Tom Fishburne's work. Fishburne is a national treasure. If you're not following him, start. On Monday, he followed …